Make an
impact today

Support our mission by contributing to the MIC Music Industry Summit, specifically organised for upcoming European talent!

6 reasons to become a MIC partner

  • 1.

    Be part of our international marketing campaign and enjoy online & offline visibility

  • 2.

    Get direct exposure to +/- 500 music professionals each day at the MIC Music Industry Summit

  • 3.

    Showcase your product or service at your own exhibitor stand or branded session

  • 4.

    Lead keynotes, or be featured in panels and discussions, positioning your brand as an industry leader

  • 5.

    Be part of a new initiative driving knowledge and collaboration, and be a dedicated contributor to the positive growth of the European music community

  • 6.

    Get access to the VIP party with top-tier attendees!

Or do you Want to support with a small donation?

Whether big or small, every gift contributes to our mission of empowering artists, producers, DJs, and songwriters. We strive to share valuable insights and provide clarity about the music business, bridging the gap between creativity and industry knowledge. Our goal is to add value to every participant, and with your support, we can make this possible.

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